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Monday, February 22, 2010

It might be a good thing that my daughter is not shy but it could also be a bad thing. There are so many perverts out there in the world; I could not ever imagine taking my eyes off my little angel.
There are 19,419 sex offenders in Wisconsin alone. Have you check the sex offender list lately to see how close they are to your children.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Imagine falling down the stairs and waking up from a comma 21 days later. Imagine finding out the doctors cut part of your brain out because it swelled up. Imagine finding out you can't walk, or talk, or even eat on your own. Imagine learning the baby steps all over again at the age of 21.
I met a man like this, a couple of days ago. Not knowing what he has been through, my daughter kept herasing him at a restaurant we were at. She was playing video games with him, she even told him he is naughty and he needs a time out. The funny part about all this was he had so much fun with her.
After his table was done eating they got their coats and left. About 5 minutes later this man came back in the restaurant and walked right up to me and told me " Aniya made his day". Then he proceeded in telling me what he has been through and what he has accomplished. He said he hasn't laughed like that in a long time.
This makes a mother very proud of her child.
Has anyone else had this experience?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do children now a day's act different?

When I was a child I often explored daring new worlds, violently clashed swords with famous pirates, flew with the birds and got dirty doing it. I had an eventful childhood. I had a wild imagination which took me all over the world.
Now that I have grown up, I would have hoped my imagination would have transferred to my daughter but it did not. She likes to go outside but only if she had other children and toys to play with and only for a short period of time. I have found that if I would start by playing outside with her at first she will continue playing outside. This took her a while but now she likes to fly with the birds, clash swords with famous pirates and explore daring new worlds.